In 2024/25, I will be teaching: Central Problems in Philosophy A (Moral Philosophy); Topics in Philosophy II A (Transformative Experience); Texts I (Stephen Darwall's The Heart and Its Attitudes); History of Western Philosophy IIA (Classical Islamic Philosophy). I will also be teaching the Ethics MPhil Module (Metaphysics of Normativity). You can find Module Outlines for all of these modules on the Department of Philosophy website here.
In Michaelmas Term 2024/25, my Classical Islamic philosophy and my transformative experience modules were, respectively, the first and the third highest overall rated modules by students in the Department of Philosophy.
I am also a Tutor at Trinity. Tutors are members of the academic staff who are appointed to look after the general welfare and development of students under their care. You can find more information about the tutorial system here.
Teaching at Cambridge
As a Fellow at Christ's, I supervise students on a number of papers across Part IA (first year), Part IB (second year), and Part II (third year) of the Philosophy Tripos (BA (Hons) Philosophy), supervise dissertations, and I serve as an Examiner/Accessor for the Philosophy Tripos. I have also taught the sociology and ethics of health and medicine to first-year medical students for the Faculty of Biology.
I also supervise and serve as an Examiner for the MPhil in Philosophy (in Metaphysics, Meta-Metaphysics, Ethics, and Meta-Ethics), and have served as an Assessor for the MPhil in Health, Medicine, and Society (in Medical Ethics), the MSt in AI Ethics & Society (in AI Ethics), and the MPhil in Ethics of AI, Data, and Algorithms (in AI Ethics).
Teaching at Oxford
As the Graduate Development Scholar in Philosophy at St Anne's, I was responsible for teaching a range of philosophy papers to St Anne's students. These included, at least, first-year Logic and Moral Philosophy as part of the Introduction to Philosophy paper, Ethics, Practical Ethics, and Knowledge and Reality.
I also tutored: Meta-Ethics; Philosophy of Cognitive Science; Knowledge and Reality; Ethics; Moral Philosophy: Mill's Utilitarianism (Part of Philosophy Prelims/Mods First Year paper Introduction to Philosophy); Philosophy of Logic and Language. In Trinity Term 2020, I supervised an undergraduate dissertation on epistemic injustice, transformative experience, self-knowledge, and personal identity.
In Hilary Term 2020, I gave a series of lectures entitled Key Topics in Recent Meta-Ethics in the Faculty of Philosophy. Details of my lecture series can be found here.
Other Teaching Experience
I have a range of other experience in teaching Philosophy. The following is some of my teaching experience:
I have volunteered through the University of Oxford Hub initiative Schools Plus as a Philosophy A-Level Tutor (once a week during Full Term) at a local school with a high number of disadvantaged pupils. The Schools Plus initiative, and I when volunteering for them, hope that we can play some role in tackling the educational disadvantage at the school-level in Oxford by working to raise the academic confidence, interest, and attainment of disadvantaged pupils.
In 2018/19, I served as the Waynflete Academic in Philosophy at Magdalen College School, Oxford. There, I helped run both the Philosophy Reading Group (topics for which included meta-philosophy, applied ethics, and the metaphysics of morality) and the Philosophy Society, aided in university application preparation (including mock interviews for Oxbridge candidates, who have successfully secured places there), and generally provided specialist philosophy support to those students studying for the Philosophy A-Level at the school.
I have provided revision classes for the Ethics paper at Oxford for finalist philosophy students at Oriel and University Colleges, Oxford.
I have privately tutored Philosophy, Logic, and Critical Thinking at both undergraduate and A-Level.
I have provided (remunerated) essay tutorials for the Philosophy undergraduate module Human Nature at the University of Reading.
At the University of Reading, I founded and served as the Chair of the Philosophy Cross-Level Student-to-Student Study Advice Seminar ('Philosophy & Biscuits', held once per academic term, where the University of Reading Philosophy Society Essay Advice document, which I co-authored, is circulated).
Outreach Work and Talks
As the Head of External Relations for the Department of Philosophy at Trinity College, Dublin, I oversee a range of our external and/or public facing activities. These include our annual Philosophy Today public lecture series and our participation in School-wide public initiatives such as the Public Autumn Series. Bookings for the 2024/25 Philosophy Today series are now open!
As a Junior Research Fellow at Christ's College, Cambridge, I ran an outreach session on normative ethics that aims to introduce the area, motivate its study at university, and was designed to get the audience to do philosophy with me. I have run this session multiple times at our Outreach team request, including at, amongst other programmes and events, the Christ's-King's Programme 2022, an outreach initiative run by Christ's College and King's College for UK state school Year 12 students.
At Oxford, I: (a) worked Academic Reviewer for the University of Oxford's innovative digital outreach platform Oxplore, where I reviewed some of the platform's philosophical content. I also created some content for the platform on the question of whether knowledge is dangerous (2019/20); (b) worked as a Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Tutor for the University of Oxford's UNIQ program, and presented both an introduction to moral philosophy at a School Outreach Day at Oriel College, and an introduction to the work of W.D. Ross in normative ethics at Radley College (2018/19); (c) gave a further two introductory-level talks and seminars on normative ethics as part of teaching on the Philosophy at Radley seminar series at Radley College (2017/18; you can read some feedback received for my talk here); (d) gave a Keynote talk at a sixth-form philosophy conference organised at St. Edward's School, Oxford; and (e) an invited talk on my research at the Summer Institute at Oriel College.
I am extremely keen to give talks and/or seminars at schools about philosophy as a subject and studying philosophy (at both the undergraduate and postgraduate level) at university. If you would be interested in my giving such talk at your school, please do not hesitate to get in touch!